We are two friends from Austria, Vienna, fullfilling their dream by bringing back the classic game genre: FMV* point’n’Click! We already managed to release our first installment, Markus Ritter – The Lost Family, for free on steam. This is the first game of this genre released in Austria and Germany. It’s just the first chapter to introduce the main character and for us to see what difficulties we will face when producing a full fledged game.

With the help of the community we started a kickstarter campaign to finance a full point’n’click game: Markus Ritter – The Ghosts of the Past.

We learned a lot from the first Chapter and already finished filming the scenes for the second Chapter! We are now in the edit phase of the pics and videos. If everything works out we will be able to release the game in November 2023!

*Full Motion Video games were a big thing in the 90s and we miss them and hope to help with all the current FMV developers that are out there to show younger generations what we grew up with.